
Is anyone else guiltily relieved that there’s no “Lost” tonight? I need a rest! My television watching has, for 15 years, been confined to news, sports, and the occasional movie/special. I have had no “appointment” TV that I couldn’t painlessly miss. Over the past two seasons that’s changed, and I almost (almost!) resent it. The …

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Blog push

Here’s where I mindlessly plug somebody else’s blog for no particular reason. NTodd wants to get to 419,067 visitors in time for his blog’s third anniversary, and he’s about 9,000 visitors short with two weeks to go. So go visit him. Seriously, he’s a wonderful photographer and a snarky writer. Both attributes should be encouraged.

Press as enemy

Why do we insist on revisiting ancient history? Because the same garbage keeps happening over and over again. Because too many people — journalists, activists, progressive leaders — downplay the media’s failings. Sure, they went overboard with Clinton, they say, but sex sells. But it wasn’t just sex, and it wasn’t just Clinton. Sure, they …

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