
Is anyone else guiltily relieved that there’s no “Lost” tonight? I need a rest!
My television watching has, for 15 years, been confined to news, sports, and the occasional movie/special. I have had no “appointment” TV that I couldn’t painlessly miss. Over the past two seasons that’s changed, and I almost (almost!) resent it. The time off will be good for me: I can reconnect with my inner goof-off on Wednesday nights between 8:00 – 9:00 HST.


  1. I totally understand (although it’s on at 9 PM this past season in our neck of the woods).
    For example, I’m in Philly today — if I didn’t get back to my hotel in time, I might have missed some. Sure, we DVR it, but still — it’s not the same! Well, okay, it is, but I like being as current as possible. 🙂

    My brain was beginning to hurt and I’m only just now coming off the Lost high from the finale. heh.

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