What, another?
How many bridges in your county are evaluated thusly: “Basically intolerable requiring high priority of replacement”? We have lots. If you’re curious, you can go to National Bridges and enter your location’s data into the appropriate fields to learn whether your commute traverses any bridges which are about to fall down. Wouldn’t that be useful …
Justin Fox reviews several of them at Harvard Business Review. Of the four he briefly synthesizes, I’ll pass on Ariana Huffington’s. She’s got the wit but not the economic credentials. The other three all look interesting. I like his description of Robert Reich’s Aftershock: “the busy person?s guide to inequality economics…is a brisk, intelligent run-through …
The local Safeway has one of these Red Box kiosks in it, so we’ve recently rented a couple of movies overnight. It’s a pretty convenient deal, and at $1 plus tax it’s even cheaper than Netflix for the number of movies per month we watch. Last night it was “Up In The Air,” the George …
Thus, otherwise occupied. I’m folding clothes between innings (Yay, Waipio!), slicing mangoes for lunch and thawing chicken for dinner. That’s all hard work, you know!
Does Secretary Gates know about this? For the past several years, two U.S. Army posts in Virginia, Fort Eustis and Fort Lee, have been putting on a series of what are called Commanding General’s Spiritual Fitness Concerts. As I’ve written in a number of other posts, “spiritual fitness” is just the military’s new term for …
Yesterday, the third Friday in August, was the 51st anniversary of the date Hawai’i was proclaimed a member of the United States of America by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. You can be forgiven if you didn’t realize that even if you live in Hawai’i. All celebrations of the day have been mute to non-existent for …
Imagine you’re one of the motorists on this road and you see a zebra just ahead.
Mark your calendar. August 23 at 6:30pm KIPO 89.3FM will broadcast a debate between the two contenders for the State House Representative office. Those would be Blake Oshiro, the incumbent, and Gary Okino, the challenger. Oshiro is the guy who pushed HB444, the same-sex marriage bill, through the House this spring. Gary Okino is the …
No matter how hard the attorneys on either side try to divine it, putting twelve people together in a room and asking them to determine somebody’s guilt or innocence is in some respects a crapshoot. I say that not only because of the Blagojevich verdict and the news that on the charge that he attempted …