Press as enemy

Why do we insist on revisiting ancient history? Because the same garbage keeps happening over and over again. Because too many people — journalists, activists, progressive leaders — downplay the media’s failings. Sure, they went overboard with Clinton, they say, but sex sells. But it wasn’t just sex, and it wasn’t just Clinton. Sure, they were a bit unfair to Al Gore, someone might concede, but he had it coming — he was stiff and insincere. But it isn’t just Al Gore. Sure, too many reporters may have been complicit in the so-called Swift Boat Veterans for Truth’s smears of John Kerry, but he invited it by speaking openly and honestly about his service. Sure, Howard Dean’s “scream” was overplayed, but he had it coming — it was crazy! Sure, media elites fawn all over Bush, but he’s just so likable! And John McCain, too. And Rudy Giuliani. They’re all just so real and authentic.

At this point, you’d have to be blind to miss the pattern. Every prominent progressive leader who comes along is openly derided in the media as fake, dishonest, conniving, out-of-the-mainstream, and weak. We simply can’t continue to chalk this up to shortcomings on the part of Democratic candidates or their staff and consultants. It’s all too clear that this will happen regardless of who the candidate or leader is; regardless of who works for him or her. The smearing of Jack Murtha should prove that to anyone who still doubts it.
Meanwhile, any conservative who comes along is going to be praised for being strong and authentic and likable. Ask yourself: What prominent Republican is routinely portrayed in the media as a phony the way Al Gore and Hillary Rodham Clinton are?

Who’s saying those awful things about the 4th Estate? Jamison Foser, that’s who. Read what else he’s got to say about the David Broders, Chris Matthews, Tim Russerts and Jacob Weisbergs of the world.

Need I say that I agree with him?