The NYT Op-Ed page and The Right

I can’t be bothered reading the New York Times’ conservative columnists. I disagree with what they say and get no enlightenment from them. Assuming I am not alone in those opinions, why is it that the NYT hires them and gives them that prime real estate on its pages? Here’s a thread which discusses that …

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Words matter, dammit

Note to Democrats and media: Do not use ever use “chain migration.” It’s a loaded right wing phrase like “death taxes.” The proper phrase for the provision, according to the Immigration Act of 1965, is “family reunification.” — Jonathan Alter (@jonathanalter) January 23, 2018 Alter is absolutely right. It’s bad enough to hear the media …

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What a peculiar coincidence.

Amanda Marcotte at Salon notices something odd: “Now we find out that many of these journalists who seemed convinced that Clinton had a deep, dark secret were likely harboring guilty secrets of their own.” “When one looks down the lengthening list of prominent male journalists who have been credibly accused of sexual harassment, one thing …

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Harp, harp, harp

I know it. I know I’ve said enough about the US Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico and their suffering from Irma’s effects. But man alive, our news media stinks sometimes. On the Evening News from both CBS and NBC their reporters in the Florida Keys repeated the same phrase: “Here, where Irma made its first …

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Lies in the desert

Trump’s nonsensical speech at his rally in Phoenix could have been titled that. What lies could I mean? Well, Trump expressed frustration with efforts to negotiate with Canada and Mexico to improve NAFTA, saying he was more likely to terminate the deal. He also blamed “obstructionist Democrats” for standing in the way of funding for …

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Charlottesville — VICE Documentary

On Saturday hundreds of white nationalists, alt-righters, and neo-Nazis traveled to Charlottesville, Virginia to participate in the “Unite the Right” rally. By Saturday evening three people were dead – one protester, and two police officers – and many more injured. “VICE News Tonight” correspondent Elle Reeve went behind the scenes with white nationalist leaders, including …

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Breitbart’s World

If you’re not a Republican, watching Republicans react to the news can feel a bit like witnessing a mass hallucination. Even more so when some emissary from the alternate Republican universe like Kellyanne Conway teleports onto CNN or another mainstream outlet to state her case. That’s from an article in the Sunday New York Times …

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