Lost, Season 2, Finale

I’m thinking we’re being toyed with here.
Spoilers below!

Arctic monitors with a hotline to Desmond’s girlfriend? Michael and Walt sailing off on a bearing of 325 degrees? Henry Gale calls his crowd “the good guys?” Eko, Locke and Desmond maybe dead inside the hatch? Sayid, Jin and Sun on Desmond’s boat sailing around the island?
Electromagnetic fields? When the producers showed everything blowing there at the end with the light and the sound, I’m willing to bet some one of them had seen the great Cold War film “Fail Safe.” When that movie ended with an A-bomb going off over New York, it was depicted with a series of still shots of normal scenes around the city; we saw the same thing here.
Wasn’t there an old TV show which came to an end with a “reveal” that the whole thing had been enacted inside a snow globe? If so, did you notice Sawyer’s reference to it?
Now we have four or five months of waiting to find out what all that means? Tearing my hair out, I am!


  1. Like I said…. *I’m so confused*
    You left out the “knowing look” between Kate & Jack before the hoods were put over their heads, and Sawyers look of bewilderment (at their look)… I’m thinking those two are in on it.
    And what about Charlie’s reaction, errrr – non-reaction, to Locke, Eko and Desmond’s demise?
    The TV show was St. Elsewhere… Which I also watched, and was so p’d off about that ending.
    4 or 5 months is plenty of time to do deep analysis. C’mon, Linky, are you with me?! 😉

  2. Looks like a long 4-5 months ahead.
    I think it all has to do with the Evil Construction Company (Desmond’s girlfriend’s father’s — Widmore?). Maybe they finance the Hanso Foundation. Maybe Penelope runs the foundation now.

  3. I haven’t blogged it yet, but here’s my take.
    Back many years ago, the Hanso Foundation was researching the island when “the accident” happened. This shifted the island outside of our normal space-time continuum, putting it into a pocket dimension. The only way is in via the occasional bursts of EMP or whatever the button contains, which can now be detected in our world if someone is paying attention.
    They obviously weren’t paying attention to the 9-22-04 burst, as mentioned at the end of the episode, but they caught it this time, hopefully with coordinates. Penny obviously has the money and resources to find the island, but getting there is another issue. Her father’s company does have something to do with everything, since she knows what to look for.
    We know the EM on the island ripped through into our dimension (if you buy into my theory) and sucked Flight 815 through.
    My question is this — did anything come through THIS time when the button wasn’t pushed? We won’t know until next year. We do know that the Dharma people are aware of how to get out — compass bearing 325, the first time a number has appeared that isn’t part of The Numbers.

  4. Desmond made the snow globe comment. It was indeed St. Elsewhere, and the name of the kid who imagined it all was Tommy Westphall.
    I think the reference is part poking fun of fans, and poking holes in a few of the bigger theories out there. Like Hurley’s line, “…or another time,” as he sat on the beach with Sayid with the radio, or the entire “Dave” episode. They bring them up explicitly to say, basically, “That’s not it. Try again.”
    My wife and I blogged our observations here.

  5. what the hell was that four toed foot statue. I heard from another forum that it might be some sort of greek god statue from the isle of rhodes. They said a long time ago the statue was destroyed in some sort of war and all that was left was one foot. Any one else have any info or ideas?

  6. oh and another thing! If desmond caused the plane to crash due to the electromagnetism of the hatch. Is it possible there could now be another plane crash since locke let the clock run down?

  7. steve, check out Ryan’s link posted above yours for all things “Lost.” He’s got far more info and commentary than I do.
    The statue you’re thinking of is/was the Colussus of Rhodes. I don’t see any mention of the number of toes the statue had, though.

  8. Here is my theory on the show. Stay with me now this can get intense!!
    OK it all starts with a man named Alvar Hanso. He was a man of faith. He loved all the world’s phenomenon. He also loved studing the way humans work. He grew up and went to college where ever it may have been and met a man. A man that would later become his best friend. This man’s name was Widmore. I forgot his first name, but his last name was Widmore. Widmore was a man of science. He also had the same fascination with the world’s phenomenon and he began to study it with his friend Alvar Hanso. Late in Life they became Partners in a single unkown company. This company did not last and due there scientific and faith based issues they split and even grew to hate each other. They became arch rivals and both tried to study the same thing. This was the South Pacific Green Flash. The Green Flash is a phenomenom in the sky that happens only on certain nights in certain areas of the the south pacific. This happens only for a few minutes before the sun sets. Alvar Hanso was looking for a secluded spot to do his studies and came upon a uninhabited island. This island is the island our Lost cast is on right now. Any back to Alvar Hanso. In order to claim the island as his he had a massive statue built of himself off the shore of the island pointed toward the Green Flash. Alvar Hanso spawned the Dharma Initiative through the Hanso Foundation. The dharma initiative were a group of extremely smart scientists such as Marvin Candle that Alvar Hanso hired to run multiple tests on the island. They tested many things such as the human pysche, zoology, electromagnetism, and much more. Widmore found out about this secret island and always would try to infiltrate the island and hack into his system whether it would be through a boat or in a ballon. That is why the ballon has the widmore logo on it. These test were a hige success. They made huge advances especially in the human psyche. They were even able to find out a way for a person to move things eventually very large things with there mind. he was able to move there thoughts pysically all around the island. These test subjects were even able to read minds. This was all fine and dandy until th incident. The incident which is unknown destroyed the dharma initiative and there were only a few that survived. These survivers are the others. Those people who were able to convert there thoughts into pyshical form were in that process and died in that process. there thoughts were stuck to roam the island and protect it. This is used by the others and it is the black cloud that roams around and kill of all the bad people as order by the others. This black smoke also read the mind of eko and we were able to see those thought inside the cloud as it was reading eko’s mind. The cloud was going to kill eko because it thought that he was originally a bad person via all the drug dealing and killing eko has done, but when it saw how he helped his brother and became a preist it decided to leave eko alone. This cloud is also responsible for the whispers and for all the illusions. As I said it takes on the form of the person’s thoughts. It was the polar bear that attacked michael and walt after walt read the comic with the polar bear. And in that flash back in that episode michael gave walt a polar bear doll right before he left. The smoke was also the horse that kate saw because there was a horse in kates flashback. And the smoke was hurley’s friend from the mental hospital. The smoke was also Jack’s father in the begining of season one. It is unknown how kelvin arrived on the island but we all know how desmond arrved on the island and why the lost cast is oon the island. Now it is all up to the show to unfold what happens next and all I know is that I can’t wait for season 3!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Oh, it’s as valid as any others, but I’m one lone guy over here. You might want to try it out at Ryan’s link or some of the other Lost message boards.

  10. Steve, I have to be honest; I think your theory is a little elaborate, but I guess the show is too so you might be right!!
    I haven’t got answers to all of the enigmas in the show, but I have ideas on a few.
    Remember when Rose and Bernard went to that faith healer in the outback and he said he could not help her, that there were energy centres around the world that can help different people in different ways. But that particular energy centre in the outback was not suitable for her – perhaps these energy centres are based around strong electro-magnetism and that there is a very prudent source on the island, that the ‘button’ discharges every 108 minutes when it gets too strong. Perhaps it is this ‘energy source’ that healed Rose and allowed John Lock to walk again?
    I think that the Darma initiative thought profit might be found in these energy centres and excavated the source on the island, penetrating the source they made it unstable and had to build a control unit (the hatch) on top in order to discharge it.
    The reason I believe that the island can never be found (according to henry gale) is that the electro-magnetism deflects compasses. Or maybe the Darma initiative is so powerful it pays off governments to ignore the island.
    When Desmond turned that key, i think it free’d the energy source. Releasing the control the hatch has on the energy souce (making the button redundant). So now the energy source is uncontrolled, i expect it to cause big things in season 3.
    Desmond’s girlfriend (Pen) found him once before, I think that she has been trying to find him for the 3 years he was in the hatch – she knew his course around the world as it was her fathers race, she would have known his checkpoints and the area of the world he is likely to have gone missing. Researching the area, she may have uncovered the Darma’s work on the energy source, although its covert location remained covert. So she sanctioned a recon post to monitor for abnormal electromagnetic charges. Bang, voila, shes gonna end up on the island in season 3.
    The knowing look between Jack and Kate tied up on the dock I think is because they know Said (the red beret!!) has them scouted and will resue them in season 3.
    A few questions for season 3:
    1. Will michael really just get away with murdering Libby and Anna Loo loo? I think justice will be served.
    2. Do the others even live on the island!!?!?
    3. Are John, Echo and Desmond still alive? Of course they are. But can John still walk?? 😉
    4. What has happened to Charlie’s disregard for the explosion in the hatch? Shock? I think not.
    5. Where will the new characters come from in season 3? because there are bound to be plenty! I think maybe the other Darma stations on the island we have not yet seen.
    6. Will Desmond ever find out that Libby was on the island? I mean it is her boat that he sailed in.
    7. What role does Widmore play?

  11. Hi guys just saw episode 23 and 24, all i can say is wow!
    Read the theories above, steve i think ur definitely on to something with the thoughts. I think ive read most of the theories on what is going on, and one theory about the island that it was purgatory, (between heaven and hell), and the black smoke was deciding on who should get in.
    I think thats the wrong theory.
    So what is going on? Well as for the location of the island, as u guys have mentioned, electromagnestim causes compasses to be useless. The only way is with a massive outburst, and that gives the effect of a nuclear explosion to anyone tracking it. ie. Penny.
    U remember in the end of the first series, when Dr Arnst was talking about what land is near them, he mentioned antarctica, and that looked like where that out post was ? what do u think guys?
    i think widmore and hanso definitely have a connection, penny also seems to have extensive knowledge about the fact that there are electromagnetic disturbances, anyone know if their near the burmuda triangle?

  12. oh yeah
    the others they are a mystery arent they? are they Dharma or not?
    If they are they seem to be protecting something, its clear however that they are not continuing the work so what the **** are they doing?
    having said that, they are continuing the psychological experiements, but why? and why did they refer to themselves as the good guys? perhaps they didnt kill the people they’ve taken ie. ana lucia’s group?
    i originally thought that the others were the utopian society that went wrong? But they are definitely up to something, i read something about the fact that they wanted children because they were innocent, Rousso’s baby, walt, but why havent they taken claire’s baby? In the episode ‘raised by another’ the psychic was going on about how her baby would be in danger if she didnt raise him? Im really stuck here guys may be we can crack JJ Abrams story ?

  13. Hey guys. One thing to the electromagnetism and compasses. Compasses are magnetic, and as you know, help us find the north pole… but not really. The earth emminates (sp?) different magnetic fields depending on where you are on the globe. A compass doesn’t point to the north pole (“true north”) but to a “magnetic north” so we have to assume a magnet as powerful as whatever is in the hatch (dropping planes, etc) could more than easily mess with any kind of navigation equipment, making the island VERY hard to find using that equipment.
    Sorry for the drawn out answer.
    Something more to stew on: If we know the plane was on a path from Sydney to LA and we know the only way off is a heading of 325 (North with a slight lead to the east) and we know that Desmond did NOT go in that direction when he attempted to head to Fiji, can we figure out where the island is?
    Don’t think so, as much as maybe we could figure out where they are not. Of course, this assumes we’re operating in the real world and not in any “dimensions” and who knows if we are?
    God, I hate this show. So frustrating.

  14. Oh, something more to think about: the average human can only see about 3 miles on the horizon when standing on a beach, due to the earth’s elliptical nature. Of course, this distance increases the higher in elevation, or if an object on the horizon is higher than sea level enough to rise above a given distance on the horizon.
    Essentially, what I’m saying is that just because they can’t seen another island from the beach or from higher elevations doesn’t mean there can’t be one as little as 10 or 15 miles away. Take a look at a map of the pacific… thousands of islands, many of them hundreds of miles apart. They don’t have to be in another dimension to essentially be “in the middle of nowhere”
    And we can assume Desmond’s theory that “the world is gone” could be his thought because he thought he had set a course for Fiji but if he was using a compass… well, he’d be screwed thanks to our Island’s electromagnetism.
    Most interesting of note is that the craft given to Michael was not a long-distance sea-going craft…

  15. the magnetic thing is definitely right, the best thing i suppose to do would be to just aim for the horizon? I think we are still in the real world because of the monitoring station that Penny is funding.
    The way that henry spoke to michael, he said u would find rescue. Thats a weird way to put it. Does he mean that once u get away far away from the island u’ll find shipping lanes?

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