1. ABC’s desperate attempt to create buzz around Patrick was laughable.
    Much more compelling was the Andretti story.
    Frankly, other than the dual-screen innovation used during commercials, I thought that the race coverage was poor.

  2. I saw laps 492-494. I’m not much of an auto racing fan, and it started at 0700 my time, which conflicted with the Dodgers-Nationals game. From the post-race stories I read, you’re right; it does seem that the Andrettis and their continuing struggles with this race (1 for 54? That’s Susan Lucci territory!) would have been more compelling than Patrick’s.

  3. I think the Danica-haters need to chill. The comparisons to Kournikova are laughable – Danica’s a second year driver with two top ten Indy finishes. That’s pretty impressive.
    Anything that gets people to pay attention to what is, in effect, a bunch of gearheads driving in a circle, is a good thing. I have never given a damn about racing (and I have a special corner of Dante’s 7th Circle reserved for NASCAR and its culture), but I pay attention now to see how Danica Patrick does.
    Why people resent her for that, I have no idea.

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