Voters. Don’t like ’em.

Wow. Just wow.

GOP Congressmen Put Constituents Who Asked Tough Questions On A ‘Watch List’

Think Progress takes note of a handout Working America found which shows photos of citizens “the media” should ask questions of if the citizens turn up at town hall meetings. For example, a man named Don Parsell should be asked:

  • Have you ever been a union boss or served as an Officer (Secretary) of the “Services Trade Council,” a consortium of labor unions?
  • Have you ever served as a “Spokesman” for the “Services Trade Council?”
  • Are you a leader, or a member, or a supporter of,, or or any other Progressive Left group?
  • Are you a military veteran who served in Vietnam? If yes, what branch of the Services, what military unit and where specifically in Vietnam did you serve?
  • Did you work on or for the Barak [sic] Obama Presidential Campaign of 2008?

These guys really don’t want to be questioned about their political stances by anyone who might have differing views.

One Comment

  1. Once again, that’s their JOB. When a constituent asks them a question, giving back an answer is the job of the congressman or senator. If they have an answer, they should give it and, if they don’t, then they should say so and tell the constituent that someone will get back to them. It’s not their job to put the questioner under a microscope, their job is to provide answers and assistance if at all possible.

    If that congressperson can’t do that, then he/she is in the wrong business and needs to get out of government and make room for someone who can handle the job.

    I’m really getting tired of these Congresspersons and Senators who think they are so special that they are above being responsible to the people who gave them their job. Obviously, they have no real grasp of what they are supposed to be doing. (sigh)

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