How do you argue with this sort of stupidity?

Thirty-five Tea Party organizations have signed a letter (pdf) demanding that the FCC not regulate the Internet.

These proposed regulations would permit the FCC to dictate how the networks that serve as the backbone of the Internet are managed, thereby removing incentives for further investment and opening the door for price setting or future regulatory action.

Well, yeah. All of us who think private corporations shouldn’t be able to dictate who has access to content by labeling some of it “premium” and charging higher prices for the speed required to receive it would like a public agency to regulate it.

The letter continues:

It could also remove the ability for parents and ISPs to prevent inappropriate material from entering the home. This regulatory “reclassification” would effectively turn innovative private Internet services into a public utility.

Somehow I don’t think you’ve thought this through. Do you people really want Comcast or AT&T to determine what content comes into your home? And what’s to stop you from installing parental control software on your computer at ground level?

Oh, and just by the way, in the rational world we’d like to see the Internet become a public utility.