CNN’s springtime hire distinguishes self further

Gosh. I didn’t know that standing up for religious freedom meant this!

Paging the Church of Satan: Our founding principles demand Barack Obama support your rights to human sacrifice. Carry on.

Or this!:

Paging Islamofascists: Our founding principles demand Barack Obama support Jihad.

Maybe CNN should have paid attention when it was told of Mr. Erickson’s intemperate nature. We did remind you that he once said this about Justice Souter on the occasion of Souter’s retirement:

The nation loses the only goat f**king child molester to ever serve on the Supreme Court in David Souter’s retirement.

If I were his employer I’d start thinking “This stuff doesn’t represent our brand very well.”

One Comment

  1. Sorry, who?
    I saw some scruffy-looking kid hosting a show on CNN last night. Turns out he’s a boxing commentator who got fired from ESPN a while back. How much do you think CNN is paying these people? Of course, they saved all that money after they dumped their science correspondents…

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