1. I said this when I posted it on my Facebook page: “Forget the controversy about the disallowed goal. I’m not enough of a fan to judge whether the ref was right or not.”
    When I heard the Brit doing ESPN’s analysis say there was no foul that sways me toward your point of view, though.

  2. That call was, quite simply, unbelievable. The only fouls being committed when the whistle blew were against the US and in the penalty box. At best, the goal should have been allowed. At worst, the US should have had a penalty kick. I mean, good lord, this is like a guy catching a hail mary pass in the middle of the end zone to win the game in the final seconds only to be ruled out of bounds.

  3. Oh well, don’t worry about it. After all, Glen Beck says it’s all just a socialist plot to turn America into another European brie-eating, wine-drinking nation of wussies!!
    Guess since he doesn’t have young kids, he doesn’t realize how popular soccer is nowadays. Certainly kids here in the Islands love the sport. GOOOOAAAALLLLL!!!

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