Probably nobody I’d like

I was behind a Nissan Xterra while going to the library today. Far be it from me to stereotype people, but judging from the bumper stickers I saw on the rear window I think the driver and I wouldn’t agree on much:

  • “The Armed Citizen is the Backbone of Our Country”
  • An NRA Membership decal
  • “My President Was an Honor Student at a Muslim School in Jakarta”

Driver of gas-guzzling road hog: check
Gun nut: check
Right-wing lie about Obama: check
Nope, probably not my kind of guy.


  1. All it took for me this morning was a gray-haired old lady in a Nissan Sentra with a W 2004 sticker. Once I could forgive, but a second helping? Plus, she was slow as molasses.

  2. Oh man, sounds like someone Palin would want to kick back with. Lots of them around here and lately they seem to be crawling out of the woodwork. I am tired of them and their lies.
    Now this morning on a radio station I listen to, they said the national enquirer (who no one took seriously until they were right about Tiger Woods and Sandra Bullock’s husband – cannot remember his name) is claiming Obama had an affair with an aide in ’04. My stomach hurts just thinking about it. I pray it is not true. Somehow I do not see how it could be as he has been vetted more (I believe) than any one man has ever been. But damn,. just damn………..and even if proven to be untrue, you KNOW it is going to be fodder for the tea partiers and right wing talk show hosts……..

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