Why is growth so hard to understand?

Central bankers around the world have become ostriches, hiding their heads in the sand. They continue to espouse “austerity,” as though that will cure the world’s economic ills. And yet, and yet . . . Ireland. Nearly two years ago, an economic collapse forced Ireland to cut public spending and raise taxes, the type of …

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Lazy, shiftless, unemployed and unwashed

Courtesy Daily Kos, here’s George Will on ABC’s This Week explaining why Republicans won’t vote to extend unemployment benefits: TAPPER: George, why can’t they pass this unemployment extension? I don’t understand. The Republicans say spending cuts should pay for this, the Democrats know it’s emergency spending. It seems like this is something where there could …

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Recusal rules revisited?

In light of this information, perhaps there should be stronger rules for judges and their potential conflicts of interest when court cases are assigned to them. . . . the U.S. District Court Judge who declared illegal the Obama administration?s blanket, 6-month moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, had income in 2008 …

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