Political pundit phoolishness

Once, when asked what he expected the stock market to do near term, the financier J.P. Morgan said “It will fluctuate.”
All the politicians, pundits and journalists would do well to remember that the same is true of the electorate. Grayson was supposed to win in Kentucky (he was hand-picked by Senator Mitch McConnell!), Specter was supposed to win in Pennsylvania (he had the backing of President Obama!), and Burns was supposed to win in PA-12 (the district dislikes Obama!).
None of that happened. Rand Paul beat Grayson, Sestak beat Specter, and Critz beat Burns. And for all the talk of a Republican wave election in November, it’s worth noting that there have been eight special elections to fill vacated seats since 2008, and the Dems have won all eight.
Take predictions with copious quantities of salt. I’m just sayin’.


  1. What annoys me the most is that they rarely get called on it, and when they are brought to account it carries no consequences (like, you know, nobody listens to them anymore).

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