Guess I’m chopped liver

Hmph. I just got a call from a market research company asking to do a survey about radio listening habits. First question: “Are there any young males aged 18-34 available?” My response: “Nope.” His next question: “Will there be any available later?” My response: “Nope.”
“Have a nice day,” he said.
I listen to the radio from 0700-1700 every weekday; I’m exactly the sort of person who can give reasoned answers to your survey, but because I don’t fit the demographic, you don’t want to talk to me.
Pish-tosh. I spit on your survey.


  1. Since, obviously, you listen to NPR, I’ve been meaning to ask you – do you listen to Planet Money? It’s excellent, and their recent episode about pirates having timesheets made me think of you for some reason. Probably the overworked sailor angle.

  2. Grins. I wish I were overworked; it would be better than the current situation.
    I have heard the excerpts from the Planet Money team on Morning Edition and ATC, but I didn’t realize there was a separate show. Even with two 24-hour radio streams from HPR (which is amazing for such a relatively small community) we don’t get it.

  3. I’m not sure there is an actual broadcast. As far as I can tell, they have a blog, a podcast, and snippets on other shows.
    Overworked or not, the pirate show was really interesting, and all their podcasts are only around 20 minutes.
    (I have a friend from Honolulu whose mother was a HPR volunteer for decades. Apparently, they are quite the powerhouse organization.)

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