Lost, Season 5, Episode 14

Blurb: The time of reckoning has begun when Daniel Faraday comes clean regarding what he knows about the island.
Alan Sepinwall

Daniel is (was? I’m never certain characters are really dead and gone on “Lost.”) Eloise and Charles’s son? That’s what that scene outside the hospital in LA seemed to indicate.
Daniel is (was) too good a physicist to believe you could change the past without unexpected results in the future. So what caused him to change his mind? Wishful thinking?
Eloise’s motives raising Daniel must have been tough to live with if she knew she was going to shoot him in the back on the island down the road a piece.
I was yelling “No! Don’t leave your son outside the Recovery Room with Eloise around!” at Penny when they told her Desmond was okay. I was convinced the kid would be taken by her or a minion.


  1. I was yelling “No! Don’t leave your son outside the Recovery Room with Eloise around!” at Penny when they told her Desmond was okay. I was convinced the kid would be taken by her or a minion.
    I was so totally thinking the same thing. Glad to know I wasn’t the only one.

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