What are you doing, New Year’s Eve?

I like Diana Krall’s version of the song.

Anyway, I will be home, off the roads, ministering to my very anxious dog and cursing our state legislature for its lack of courage when the subject of banning private fireworks comes up.

How about you?


  1. Happy New Year, Linkmeister. I hope Tigger came through the fireworks in relatively good shape. It’s no fun watching your pet’s anxiety and not be able to do anything about it. Did she sleep a lot today?

  2. She slept until noon, then staggered (and I do mean staggered) out to the family room. She made a quick and somewhat stumbling foray out to the grass, came back in, and is now sleeping again.
    She’s fifteen, you know? That’s pretty old to be getting doped up (1 1/2 pills of Acepromazine four hours apart, last one at 7:00pm).

  3. Yes, that is pretty old for that kind of medication. I’ve gone through the fireworks/thunder terrors with dogs and cats and it’s awful. We get fireworks every single weekend in the summer. Gads. Give Tigger a hug for me. Poor girl. I hope she’s back to normal tomorrow.

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