Huckabee and forced-pregnancy

Huckabee thinks abortion providers should be sanctioned:

MR. RUSSERT: And what would happen to doctors or women who participated in abortion?
GOV. HUCKABEE: It’s always the, the point of trying to say, “Are you going to criminalize it?” That’s not the issue.
MR. RUSSERT: Well, if it, if it’s illegal, it would be.
GOV. HUCKABEE: It would be. And I think you don’t punish the woman, first of all, because it’s not about–I consider her a victim, not a, not a criminal. You would…
MR. RUSSERT: But you would punish the doctor.
GOV. HUCKABEE: I think if a doctor knowingly took the life of an unborn child for money, and that’s why he was doing it, yeah, I think you would, you would find some way to sanction that doctor. I don’t know that you’d put him in prison, but there’s something to me untoward about a person who has committed himself to healing people and to making people alive who would take money to take an innocent life and to make that life dead.

Hmmm. Notice he prefaces this by saying “if it’s illegal.” What he doesn’t say is that he would probably be quite happy to make it illegal.


  1. God I love Huckabee! I am very close to sticking a Huckabee sign in my yard?the man will single-handedly destroy the GOP for at least 30 years.

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