Virginia Tech horror

While the events in Blacksburg, Va. are still unfolding, it’s probably too early for analysis to begin. What happened in Austin, TX in 1966 has had the advantage of time and distance.
The Texas Tower shootings happened nearly 41 years ago; that event was the first college campus murder I remember.

Whitman?s story stands out for many reasons, not the least of which being that it features a co-star?the University of Texas Tower, from which he fired almost unimpeded for 96 minutes. The Tower afforded Whitman a nearly unassailable vantage point from which he could select and dispatch victims.

Whitman killed fourteen people and wounded dozens. He was killed by a police officer who had advanced up the tower with several others, dodging friendly fire all the way.
I can imagine being on a college campus and suddenly hearing gunfire and seeing fellow students running for their lives. Before August 1, 1966, I certainly couldn’t.


  1. The NRA got what they wanted today… this is America when policy makers are controlled by a group of fanatics who value their own guns over the lives of every other American citizen.
    3 million versus the other 297 million, and somehow the rest of us end up the losers?
    When listing terrorist organizations around the world, I’d suggest adding one.

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