Don’t blame the victims, jerk

I just heard a soundbite of Bush’s speech at the convocation held at Virginia Tech this afternoon, and it really annoyed me. He said of the victims, “they were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Wrong, dogbreath. They were at the place they were supposed to be, teaching and attending class. It was the freakin’ shooter who was in the wrong place. Guys with guns are not supposed to be in classrooms and dormitories. If the gun laws in this country weren’t totally subservient to the National Rifle Association this tragedy might not have occurred.
Buy a clue, Mr. President.


  1. YOU need to get a life. YOU are totally CLUELESS. What are you bitching about??? MY GOD – 30+ PEOPLE JUST DIED AND ALL YOU CAN THINK OF IS BASHING PRESIDENT BUSH???? You are pathetic!!!

  2. Kimo, Bush managed to speak to the nation yesterday about the Va. Tech murders. His second sentence included a vow to keep the 2nd Amendment sacred; there are no politics there?
    Wise up, son.

  3. I’m with you Linky.
    There has been talk about letting people (students, faculty, admin., whatever) carry weapons on campus. Here’s my counter–give me a bullet proof vest, a weapon, and train me. Instead of ATF or FBI on the back, it’ll say English Prof.
    And, I don’t think “clues” are covered in our illustrious preznit’s trillion dollar budget.
    My deepest sympathies for VT, family, and friends.

  4. === His second sentence included a vow to keep the 2nd Amendment sacred; there are no politics there? ===
    SO WHAT???? My God, can’t you let it go? There are people who are in terrible, terrible grief and pain. This is NOT the time. And yet you chose to focus on ONE SENTENCE in a speech??? You forgot to mention he also said some very comforting words, but (it’s obvious) you are a Bush-hater so you chose to focus on one crappy sentence.
    I am very sorry for you. It makes me sick that all you can focus on is one sentence. They need our support; they need our prayers; they don’t need some political crap.
    I’m not clear if you’re from Hawaii or not, but if you are, SHAME, SHAME ON YOU! YOU KNOW that’s not how we do it in Hawaii. I wish you had more feeling and Aloha for the families who lost their sons, daughters, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters, cousins…
    I don’t give a crap about the poltics. All I can think about are the families of those affected, who have lost loved ones or who have loved ones in the hospital. I haven’t heard much about them in the media and I pray that they all survive both physically and emotionally. If you’ve ever lost someone you loved, I hope you can draw from that experience.

  5. Kimo, I’ve lived in Hawai’i for 29 years, and my family longer than that. I went to high school in Virginia, 20 miles from where the shooter did. I have plenty of sorrow for the families.
    But I also know that if gun policy in this country were smarter, those families might not have suffered the loss they did. Read the subsequent post for an idea of what Virginia-sold guns have done in New York City. Then tell me that I shouldn’t be angry about politicians who let the gun lobby dictate what policy ought to be.

  6. === I’ve lived in Hawai’i for 29 years, and my family longer than that. I went to high school in Virginia ===
    Well, that explains everything.

  7. Kimo, you are an idiot.
    People like you have been policiticizing everything for the past six years, demonizing liberals and taking great pains to paint everyone who doesn’t think the way you want them to as un-American… and then you dare to have the chutzpah to cry and whine when Bush’s pathetic attachment to guns surfaces even as he “comforts” the families?
    What the hell kind of comfort do you think it lends to have the so-called President say in one breath “we’re sorry it happened” and then in the next say that he will continue to refuse to take any action to prevent it from happening again?
    Three million members of the National Terrorist Rifle Association; 300 million American lives put at risk every day due to their selfish and fanatic views. The fact that our so-called leader chooses to stand with three million zealots and not the other 297 million of us — ESPECIALLY in a time when he’s allegedy comforting the victims… well, that is plenty to offend and disgust any decent American, or any decent human being.

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