Mid-East conflagration

Does the Israel lobby really work to Israel’s benefit? Maybe not.

Peace and the territorial concessions entailed, including evacuating most of the settlements, is the best and perhaps only guarantee of Israel?s future.
U.S. policy, under the influence of an unreconstructed Israel lobby of neoconservatives, fundamentalist evangelicals, and American Likudniks, is liable to follow directions that are unhelpful to this Israeli interest.

More discussion of the Israel lobby (AIPAC) here and here.
(Seen at The Sideshow)
Also found at The Sideshow: a frightening story arguing that the US is moving closer and closer to war with Iran.
Al-Qaeda does not equal Hezbollah, which does not equal Hamas: Something forgotten at our peril.


  1. >
    It does seem, however, that all three groups do not mind when innocent civilians are killed.
    Al-Qaeda targets them purposefully, while Hezbollah and Hamas fire their rockets from locations purposefully sited amongst civilians.

  2. Who ever commits the murder in what way be it is still a murder. When Hez is firing from civilian areas why is Israel firing missiles at them. Protecting themselves or killing the children. Differentiation here is impossible. Peace man!

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