Library expansion, again

Found in the remainder bin (Alas!): “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them”, by Al Franken (does anyone know whether he’s seriously considering running for Dayton’s seat in the Senate?).
I got that when making a trip to Borders specifically to buy “Lapdogs”, Eric Boehlert’s book about the press’s disgraceful rollover in front of the Bush machine. While there I also picked up Glenn Greenwald’s “How Would a Patriot Act?” (Support your fellow bloggers!).
I need more bookshelves.


  1. I know what you mean about needing more bookshelf space. I just recently finished the Greenwald book and passed it on to a friend. I am currently reading Cobra II and I highly recommend it. The local Books-A-Million loves to see me coming and I’m looking forward to the Suskind book. I spent decades being politcally aware, but uninvolved, but this has changed drastically in the past 5 years.
    I’m rapidly approaching 59 years old and I fear for the future of my grandchildren!

  2. On occasions I listen to Frankens show – sporadic as I only listen when I’m driving. I get the impression that he is – he seems to be raising money – but with him it’s hard to tell whether it is really a joke. . .
    I am readying to build some more – 6′ high 4′ 3/4″ wide 10″ deep, with seven shelves, including two talls on bottom and the top shelve. I can get two sets out of 3 sheets furniture grade plywood ($30 a sheet), 2 sheets of luan for backing. I am leaving the two I get to keep with routered ply exposed edges on the front while the two I am building for a customers home office will get fancy moulding on the side faces and crown for the top and bottom – bunting to face shelf edges and up swing glass doors for each of the tall shelves. I am going to cut parts (just the plywood and luan) for four more sets – a big part of the time spent making parts is setting up tooling and stops, there is little difference in the time it takes to cut plywood for 1 set or for 8 sets. My custormer paid for the extra materials (including for my shelves) when he upgraded his shelves to get the glass doors, a remarkablu simple addition to put on – but I can charge a lot to do it. I will leave off assembly of triming them out until I can sell them and trim them to customer spec.
    Plus if the guy likes them, not only will I get free advertisment – the best kind, I will also replace his desk, file cabinets and build some built in cabinets. The shelves will pay my rent this month – plus first week grocieries – the rest of the office would take about 10 days including reframing the existing wall for built in. And it would pay nearly what I made in the last five months.

  3. That’s a lot of work, but it sounds like you enjoy it. My initial shelves (here) were two 7′ tall ones, giving me about 70sf. Not enough, not anymore. Those are probably particle-board; they have a teak veneer.

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