No way to run a convention

Political undercurrents show up in the most unusual places. Lisa points to a blog post describing an uproar at the most recent Romance Writers of America conference. Intrigue, anger, dismay; it’s all there. The MC was supposed to be Nora Roberts, maybe the most highly-visible romance writer currently on the planet. She didn’t like the program as laid out by the committee, so she walked off minutes before the event was scheduled to begin. Why? Well:

…after reading the script for the presentation, Nora flatly refused to participate unless allowed to do MAJOR rewrites.
What a diva, right? I mean, the nerve.
Because they refused to rewrite the script, and Nora didn’t MC, and what followed, according to some who WERE in attendance, was a horror show to end all horror shows. Instead of a celebration of RWA and romance fiction over the past 25 years, the RITA/GH awards ceremony included the following:
* a video and audio rehash of every national and international tragedy that’s taken place since 1980, set to a back-drop of kicky tunes from each year represented.
Imagine, if you will, footage of the tanks rolling through Tiananmen Square with “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” playing in the background. Apparently, only a last-minute edit managed to save the ceremony attendees from being forced to watch the shuttle Challenger explode in mid-air and…AND…the Twin Towers fall.
Think about that. All those NYC agents and editors in the audience. Think about it some more.
Yee-HAW. We’re celebratin’ NOW, baybeee…
** images of political leaders flashed on the screen, looking handsome and honorable.
Okay…wait. Let me rephrase. Images of REPUBLICAN political leaders–specifically Presidents Reagan, Bush I and II–flashed on the screen, looking handsome and honorable.

There’s plenty more, and it’s pretty unpleasant. To get the full story, click on the second and third links. You’ll find Nora Roberts’ explanation for her exit at the second one.
I feel sorry for all the attendees.


  1. I care so little about romance novels that’s it is truly ridiculous but my oh my this story interested me. I followed your links and th links from your links and then did more of my own poking around. Amazing…just amazing. Nora Roberts was right and took a risky and admirable stand. Thanks for expanding my horizons a bit more.

  2. What little I know of romance as a genre would fit on Fabio’s earring (does he wear earrings?), but this fiasco sounds like it would have fit better at a Left Behind booksigning.

  3. Oh my. This is just so unbelievable. Isn’t it? My mind is having a hard time comprehending it. I can’t imagine ANYONE, even the kookiest of the kooks, thinking this would be an appropriate thing to do.

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