
I love this. CJR Daily interviewed Tim Golden, who wrote the Afghanistan abuse stories (Part 1, Part 2) in the NYT last week. In the course of it, the interviewer asks about the timing of the articles so closely following the Newsweek kerfuffle:

A few conservative bloggers and pundits have questioned the timing of the series. Glen Reynolds (Instapundit) went as far as suggesting that The New York Times was trying to avert attention from the Newsweek ordeal by running it. What would you say to these critics?
TG: I am reluctant to respond to people who call themselves by names like “Instapundit.”



  1. They are using the old “question the timing” ploy to claim that the New York Times is working behind the scenes to protect Newsweek…?
    Pathetic, and a preview of debacles yet to come for these folks, I hope.

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