Enough already

Anyone been to a major league baseball game this year? I see that the Yankees (at least for Sunday Night Baseball games) are still trotting out a tenor to sing “God Bless America” at the seventh-inning stretch. I haven’t noticed that being done in other games I’ve watched on TV this year, so I’m curious if other ballparks are still doing it, or have they reverted to “Take Me Out to the Ball Game?”
I think it’s served its purpose, and we should go back to celebrating hot dogs and cracker jack. Kate Smith was the only one who could sing it well, and anyway, if there’s a God, wouldn’t he or she have better things to do?


  1. I believe MLB still mandates, or maybe just suggests, GBA for Sunday games. Steinbrenner, though, insists on using it for every game.
    One glimpse of Ronan Tynan is far, far more than I can take.
    Y’know, it would have been much more pleasant if they’d just followed the lead of the Mariners, who (prior to Bud’s enshrinement of GBA as the bombast of choice) used the Ray Charles version of America the Beautiful. Sadly, they surrendered to GBA.

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