Who needs faulty voting machines?

Felonious Bush. This one’s the Florida brother, who has at least given the appearance of attempting to rig the Florida election this fall (to which some of us might say, “What? Again?”). Seems they had a list of felons whose names needed to be purged from the voting rolls, but they didn’t want to show it to anyone. CNN and some other civic-minded outfits sued and got copies. Turned out that of the 48,000 or so names on the list, only 50 or so were Hispanic and many of the rest were African-American. Far be it from me to suggest that the voting habits of Hispanics favor Republicans and the voting habits of African-Americans favor Democrats, but…the purge might very well have disproportionately favored the Republicans in Florida. Quel surprise, right? Billmon has much more on the details of all this. At least click over to his site to read the post title; it’s clever.
Every time I think I have no more capacity for disbelief at the blatant disregard the Bushes have for election rules, I’m hit with another example.