Mass confusion

So lemme get this straight. George W. Bush is the champion of faith because he talks about it (while rarely attending church, if all the reports I’ve read in the mainstream press are to be believed); John Kerry attends Mass every week (which I know because there was a huge fuss about some bishops trying to deny him the Eucharist when he attends). So in the eyes of the pundits the non-churched candidate is by far the more religious? Mr. Bush talks the talk, but judging by his actions, does he really walk the walk?

This picture is out of focus.


  1. I might add, with some trepidation, that faith is more than a matter of going to church. For a number of reasons, I’ve been out of church many times over my lifetime, but I still know what I believe and do my darndest to live out my faith.

  2. I know that, Dave, but from the coverage you’d think Kerry was a blazing secular humanist who hadn’t had a thought about faith in years. I’d submit that a true American Catholic has had more internal debate about his faith since Vatican 2 than GWB has had since the day he quit drinking.

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