Loony left, my a**

It’s not enough to indirectly promote pollution, it seems. The Administration has quietly been promoting its abstinence philosophy on its own web sites, to the detriment of public health. Why else delete “information on condom use, the relation between abortion and breast cancer and ways to reduce sex among teenagers” from CDC and other agency websites?
“Working Americans at the bottom of the economy are not paying enough in taxes.” That’s a paraphrase from the Wall Street Journal’s editorial page, according to E.J. Dionne in the WashPost. Anyone else feel that way, as you look at your paystubs, or, if you’re self-employed, when the quarterly tax bill is due? I swear, Paul Gigot (editorial page editor and former News Hour regular) and his cohorts live in cloud-cuckoo land.


  1. well it’s time we crack down on these poverty-level losers! dammit they ought to pay their fair share. look at the poor CEO’s with tax bills many times larger than my whole family income! tragic.
    “let them eat cake” — i smell a revolution of french proportions.

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