
Goodness; I hope the authors of this report about Arab life are wearing shields; they are going to need them. It always hurts worse to be criticized from within, and the authors are all Arab.

The Cheney Presidency. Who knew it packed this much into such a brief period? More Administration news: you can now report “government mismanagement and waste” on the White House and/or OMB sites, opening a feature called “The Wastebasket” there. My suggestion? Tell Mitch Daniels that the whole idea of National Missile Defense seems to be very wasteful, especially after the arrest of Mr. Padilla and the alleged dirty bomb plot.

When BlogCon was first proposed, there was much hilarity about the possibility of “real-time blogging” the event; right now, a lady named Donna Wentworth is “real-time blogging the many high-level discussions and lectures currently happening at the Berkman Center’s Internet Law Program.” Lots of interesting topics, including NPR’s linking policy (and, by extension, copyright), ICANN, and Napster.


  1. I don’t believe I’m going to make it to BlogCon after all, so I surely do hope someone blogs realtime from event. 🙂

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