The Scales of Justice

Here’s the drill for jury pool summonses: you get the notice and you’re told to call the night before your scheduled appearance for a recorded message, which will tell you whether it’s still on for the following day or not. So I called tonight after 5:00pm, as instructed, and listened for the message pertaining to my group (J, not W, regrettably; it would have been fun to be on the Group W bench). The appearance is postponed until Friday, which means I have to call for the recording again Thursday evening. I remember this from ten years ago; plenty of “hurry up and wait,” as the Army puts it. American justice can run extremely slowly, even on the administrative side.
Also, do not pick up flimsy plastic dinner trays from a baking sheet after they’ve been heating at 350 degrees for a half-hour, particularly if they have a main dish in gravy. They may splash and burn your wrist.


  1. you are right…it would be VERY cool to be on the Group W bench…what with all the mean nasty lookin’ folks. It’d be even cooler to walk into the courtroom, sing the verse, and walk out.

  2. Also, do not pick up flimsy plastic dinner trays from a baking sheet after they’ve been heating at 350 degrees for a half-hour, particularly if they have a main dish in gravy. They may splash and burn your wrist.
    Is this part of the instructions you get Eeyore ?
    “larfing” — Monique

  3. Whatever you do, if you make it through voir dire, do not go up and shake hands or speak to anyone in the Prosecutor’s office. 🙂 We nearly had a mistrial recently when one of the jurors recognized one of our investigators and went up and shook his hand in the hallway of the courthouse. It was an innocent gesture but it could have proved costly in more ways than one. (Especially since the juror happened to be the jury foreperson and deliberations were already underway.)

  4. Ali, the last time I went through this, one of the impaneled jurors met the defendant at a party over the weekend (before we were sequestered) and explained that to the judge on the following Monday; he was promptly excused. Small town, Hawai’i, huh?

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