Photojournalists galore!

Remember all those “Day in the Life” photo books which came out about ten years ago? Well, Patti proposed a similar project for today within her circle of blogging friends, and the issue has been what in Wall Street parlance would be called oversubscribed. She’s got a whole list of participants and links to their sites posted here or here. There are some really fun pictures posted, from everyday food items on up. To borrow from Patti’s blog tagline, “I Must” get a digital camera and USB card soon!
Now back to putting a new seal into the toilet and snaking the kitchen sink…rats.


  1. ‘”I Must” get a digital camera and USB card soon …’
    Yes, you must. Mine is a cheapy compared to those of some others I shall not name ;), but I love it and can’t imagine life without it now.

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