(Don’t) Play Ball!

Dear Mssrs. Selig, Torre and Brenly,
Could you have found no other solution to your pitcher shortage last night than cancellation of the game? Each of the 41,871 people in the stands had paid up to $175 ($175!!) for a ticket to watch; and the only thing you could come up with was “Oops, sorry?” If this is the kind of leadership you intend to exhibit in the current labor negotiations, you’ll be lucky to have a quarter of the fan base left once a deal is made. That was bold decision-making, that was.
(For more on this debacle from better writers than I, go see Michele, Todd, and Stacy).
On to other things: to broaden your link list (like it needs it?), here’s a highly subjective list of blogs from The Guardian.
Oh, the inner side of my forearm now has a distinct similarity to Gorbachev’s port-wine stain.


  1. Can I actually be missing Fay Vincent?
    I hear that one team is gonna be taking out a loan by the end of the week to stay afloat. What the hell went wrong?

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