Advice and other verbiage

Do not balance a newly-opened 9-lb bag of dog food on a kitchen stool; it may fall off. This message brought to you as a public service announcement.
The SF Chronicle chimes in on blogging. This, of course, brings responses. In other blogging news, if you have any interest in the merits/demerits of various self-publishing tools (28, no less!), this article might be a good place to start. It also has a brief history of the evolution of “blogware,” as author John Hiler calls it. He includes Blogger, MT, Greymatter, Userland, LiveJournal, and most others.


  1. last linked article = too analytical for me. listing is nice but it didn’t mention MT as a community. MT bloggers so have community.
    all that pinging and stuff.

  2. Well, it’s part one of either two or three, I forget. It may get to that a little later. Since I get the ‘zine that publishes it, I’m sure I’ll link the other(s) as they turn up.
    I agree with you about the pinging, but it’s just barely getting started. If you look at Batty’s right-side links, she’s got the Trackback users flagged with a [t]; only a relatively small number of her link list has implemented it so far. Granted, many may not be MT users at all, but still…

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