Liberty, Protest, and Anger

Where must civil liberties step aside for public health? That’s the subject of this commentary from the NEJM. “These business plans are like the cathedrals of medieval Europe…” So says a U of Maryland researcher attempting to document the dot-com boom/bust from the perspective of the cube-dwellers. Oh, and dammit! I told you not to get so angry! Not even about spelling! “Typos spell trouble for Sri Lanka’s phony Viagra”.

I’ve been wondering why we’ve seen so many pro-Palestinian rallies in Europe; Michael Elliott proposes a partial explanation in the current issue of Time. He suggests it is in part because Israel has, in European eyes, come to resemble the colonial powers they used to be, and there is plenty of self-loathing among them as a result of that past. Well, maybe. Among the “elites” I suspect it’s nearly as much just standard knee-jerk reaction to America; whatever the US does is inherently wrong. This is not to say I have much liking for the Sharon government or its behavior; but I have even less liking for a Palestinian “Authority” which encourages suicide bombing by its children.

One Comment

  1. I’ve read a few articles on the suicide bombings and who does them..
    I read where the Palestinian’s world is based on humiliation, and what Isreal has done to them makes them more be killed and considered a martyr is better.

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