
Tom Friedman has some choice words for just about every important player in the Israeli/Palestinian standoff today. Annoyance is also the watchword in this story about the seeming reluctance of the Administration to name a new FDA Commissioner, 15 months after taking office. The Swedes have an active FDA, apparently; a study recently presented to them warns of possible carcinogens in fries, chips, and bread. Damned scientists.

It occurs to me that the cast of That Was The Week That Was could have done wonders with the current state of world affairs. Yes, there really was satire (besides The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour) on television in the Sixties, boys and girls. That (short-lived) program was great; just click the link and check out the cast list. I think that was the venue where Tom Lehrer got his first wide exposure. More info on the Comedy Hour can be found here.


  1. TWTWTW was on Friday nights..
    Nancy Ames was the singer, and she had long blond hair.
    The closing song was something like this:
    That Was The Week That Was
    Its over let it go..
    Oh what a week that was..
    That Was The Week That Was
    That Was The Week That Was….
    Ah, memory lane…

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