1. Now that’s interesting; how did you find me? My science interests are more focused on pharma research than in your field, but I find a lot of stories out there in the journals, some of which you folks also link.
    It’s also interesting that you folks have discovered the weblog as information dissemination tool. Very smart.

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    Neuroprosthesis News

  3. Having been in the medical field and caring for lung disease patients during that time, I can tell you that lung disease is horrible.
    There is no hiding it. You cannot put on a wig, blush, or a new suit and look “normal”..
    You cannot catch your breath, your walk is slowed, and it is very evident that you are sick.
    How sad about the popcorn people..
    Next it will be buying shoes that gives you an illness..then I’ll be in trouble…

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