Pander blocked?

Y’all have heard about the proposal to send $100 to taxpayers to help with rising gas prices, right? Well, it ain’t selling well.

“The conservatives think it is socialist bunk, and the liberals think it is conservative trickery,” said Don Stewart, a spokesman for Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, pointing out that the criticism was coming from across the ideological spectrum.
Angry constituents have asked, “Do you think we are prostitutes? Do you think you can buy us?” said another Republican senator’s aide, who was granted anonymity to openly discuss the feedback because the senator had supported the plan.

Despite that, I’ll bet Frist keeps trying. But the kicker for me is this sentence: “Under the proposal, $100 checks would be sent late this summer to an estimated 100 million taxpayers, regardless of car ownership.”
The Republicans are so used to bribery they’ll pay off anybody!

One Comment

  1. It’s pretty much one of the stupidest things I’ve heard.
    Hey, Vern, I gots me an idear how we kin get these danged taxpayers off our case about givin’ tax breaks to the oil companies. Let’s give ’em all a couple of free tank s of gas!! Maybe we can throw in a car wash, too!
    Yeah, that’ll work.

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