We’re Number One!


Originally uploaded by Linkmeister.

The next time you hear some newscaster say the average price of a gallon of gas is pushing $3.00, remember that for it to be that high, some poor suckers have to be at the top of the price range.

$3.29 for regular unleaded
$3.35 for whatever that middle grade is
$3.45 for premium unleaded


  1. Our gas stations here in Bucks County PA have gone over the $3.00 range. It upsets me – it is so hard on people on fixed incomes, and people trying to earn an honest living.
    Just getting to work has become a big expense to some.

  2. Bush came out with a grand plan to drop prices today. Probably will work in the short term, just because he said something and pretended to do something. Your prices make ours look like chump change. Wow.

  3. At the station around the corner from my suburban NYC place, we’re at $3.23/$3.33/$3.43 today.
    In the words of the last elected president, “I feel your pain.”

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