Where’s the bone?

We think Abby is settling in to her new home. Yesterday I was out for a little while, and when I got back she was sitting at the (sliding glass) front door looking for me. That was a first. Later in the afternoon I gave her a rawhide chew bone; she took it outside and hid it somewhere. Then last night after dinner I put her out for a bathroom break and back she came with the bone. That was amusing enough, but then she went zooming all over the house trying to find a good place to hide it. Eventually she did, since she came back to the family room without it. However, I have no clue where she put it, and I’m not sure she knows either.

Anyway, she’s treating the entire house as though she belonged in it, and the yard too. It’s only been about five weeks. Not bad, huh?


  1. Yes, it takes a while. When Addy took off a second time and we spent another day looking for her, I was about done. Now she stays with Jane and we are accepting the fact that some dogs don’t stay put. We are doing what we need to train her, but she is not CODA our last dog.

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