
The miserable water flow I mentioned yesterday turned out to be a leaking hot water heater tank. We have two 40-gallon tanks and one of them was burbling its contents away on the ground (it’s down under the house, not indoors). Called the solar guys yesterday evening and they said they’d be here in the morning (today). I canceled a follow-up appointment with the ENT Clinic at Tripler (how’s that surgery doing? Any more cancers?) so I could be here when they showed up. Only, they didn’t.

Instead, they called to ask how big a tank needed to be replaced and when told quoted us a price for tank, delivery and cartage of the old one. That was fine (except the price), but then they said they couldn’t deliver and install until Thursday. Ack! Two-plus days of no hot water!


The only bright side of this was that I was able to cancel my appointment cancellation and make it up to Tripler for the follow-up exam after all. So there’s that.