It finally happened

I used to read about people who’d stepped off curbs and broken their feet, twisted their ankles or otherwise injured themselves and thought “there has to be more to it than that.” Not anymore.

I heard water running through the pipes in the house over the weekend even when there was no water running anywhere, so I checked the meter at street level and discovered that it was indeed measuring some flow somewhere. I called the Board of Water Supply to report it and they said they’d send someone out to check their equipment. They did, and he parked on the side of the street next to a storm drain. He was getting a valve handle out of his truck’s driver’s side storage compartment and I stepped off to keep talking to him. I managed to step down onto the ridged concrete meant to channel water into the drain and twisted my foot, landing on its outside edge.

It hurts like a son-of-a-gun, lemme tell you. Flip-flops are probably not the best thing to wear if one wants to ensure one incurs no injury.


  1. I trust you’ve been to the doctor and had it xrayed? Walking around on a bad foot is nothing to sneeze at.

    I did that to myself once, in the ’70s, when I was fool enough to wear platform shoes; nothing broken but it was pretty sore. I see platforms are back in style. They’re still stupid.

  2. Ouch! I did that once and got a stress fracture. Pain! If it doesn’t get better in a week, have it x-rayed.

  3. Pingback: Shriek! | Linkmeister

  4. Eh, a few years ago, I broke my foot (5th bone upper – the one that eventually becomes the baby toe), AND sprained the tendon that’s named after Napolean’s surgeon… from stepping off a curb.
    Granted, I saw something moving in an upstairs window across the street as I stepped off the curb and I blame my curiosity in distraction for that.
    I was also, much to my dismay, told that breaking bones this way has to do with age. 🙁 Hrm.

  5. Oh I should clarify that the movement I saw, in the night was from light in an ATTIC window I’d never seen lit before. It wasn’t like I was looking at someone in their bedroom. LOL

  6. Peeping Tomism? Not you!

    I remember getting my first pair of glasses and damn near stumbling as I stepped off the curb to walk across the street. I was about eight.

    The foot is improving, thank goodness.

  7. At 8, at least you didn’t have as far to fall!! 😉
    New glasses are a danger at any age…
    Wet sandals are a menace whenever.
    At least nobody can remark on your bones being old… 😉 Keep up the good work. 😀

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