Procreation Required?

While listening to the arguments the anti-gay crowd was making I heard them mention that procreation was critical to a marriage. I said to myself, “What does that mean for couples who either choose not to or can’t have children?” I didn’t think it all the way through.

Tom Junod did, at Esquire’s Politics Blog (where Charlie Pierce normally writes). In a wonderful post he explains how he finds himself, his wife and their adopted daughter suddenly condemned by the people on that side of the issue. He is infuriated by the attitude he hears from the anti-gay marriage crowd that procreation is the most important thing about marriage, and since “the gays” can’t do that they shouldn’t be allowed to marry. The inference he draws from that is that his marriage is also a failure.

Then, inspired by Junod’s post, Tom Levenson chimes in with further thoughts about the use of biology in the battle.

Both posts are very much worth reading.