
Ten years ago I wrote that Bush’s Iraq adventure was the wrong war against the wrong enemy. I expressed doubt that he and his team would manage it well. I was right. Unfortunately.

Charlie Pierce is more eloquent than I as he takes on the NYT, Richard Perle, David Frum, and the rest of the bloodthirsty mob which supported that disaster.

Shut up, all of you. Go away. You are complicit in one way or another in a giant crime containing many great crimes. Atone in secret. Wash the blood off your hands in private. Because there were people who got it right. Anthony Zinni. Eric Shinseki. Hans Blix. Mohamed ElBaradei. The McClatchy Washington bureau guys. Dozens of liberal academics who got called fifth-columnists and worse. Professional military men whose careers suffered as a result. Hundreds of thousands of people in the streets around the world. The governments of Canada and France. Those people, I will listen to this week. Go to hell, the rest of you, and go there in silence and in shame.

I can’t improve on that. Read the whole thing, and read the comments too.