Blind spot or conditioned response?

Brian Beutler points out that the media once again is missing the point, this time about the Buffet Rule. He reminds us that the intent of the Buffet Rule (millionaires should pay at least as much as middle-class Americans do) was to make it clear that Republicans were so fixated on “no new taxes” that they wouldn’t even consider sensible budgeting for national needs and goals. But now the media is buying the Republican line that it’s just a gimmick, that it would bring in only a fraction of what’s needed to address the deficit. What the media forgets is that it was predicated on the Bush tax cuts expiring at the end of 2012. Since the Republicans are dead set against that happening, it would serve as a substantial revenue-raiser if for some reason those cuts are extended.

All Buffett Rule critics knock Obama for not pursuing more comprehensive tax reforms. If they’d paid even passing attention to the events of 2011, they’d know that the only tax reforms Republicans back either raise no revenue, or are conditioned on the idea of locking in the Bush tax cuts permanently. They imply future cuts to government programs that neither Democrats nor most Americans are prepared to accept, but are at the root of the GOP’s tax strategy.

It’s like the media is conditioned to believe Republicans no matter their mendacity.