Less religion, more good sense please


conservatives “have so conjoined their religious faith with economic conservatism that economic conservatism has become a matter of faith. It is very hard to sway those people with a counter argument.” (My italics)

The study also found that 20% of Americans believe God is in control of the economy. According to Froese, those who believe God is in control also tend to believe that a hands-off approach is the economy’s only possible fix.

“Lack of government regulation, low taxation,” he said. ” That kind of conservative economic world view, for people with an engaged God, is almost synonymous.”

Well then. The only thing to do is ban religion altogether. If that doesn’t appeal to you, ban religious people from any economic activity.

Anybody who thinks some Supreme Being has control over the American economy is by definition two bricks shy of a load.

Good grief.

(via David Atkins at Digby’s place


  1. Dismaying but these are probably people who believe God is control of every aspect of our lives. That’s a comfort to the powerless and an opportunity for Right Wing con artists.

  2. 20% is just the rump of the GOP. Remember, Bush could have eaten a baby on live television at the end of his term and 26% of the country could have thought the baby deserved it.

  3. Oh my. The Bearded Guy in the Bathrobe must be a really crappy economist. Oh, well, He can’t be good at everything (Omnipotence? No, sorry, Gödel proved it’s impossible. Come to think of it, breaking mathematics like that proves He’s not much good with numbers).

  4. The economy is being controlled by a cadre of megawealthy individuals who are withholding the investment that would allow the economy to get moving again until such time as that Negro Kenyan Muslim Socialist usurper is no longer sullying the White House with his presence. So, by definition, THEY are God here.

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