Constituents, are you listening?

Here’s one of the House Republicans vowing he’ll vote against raising the debt ceiling:

“Re-election is the farthest thing from my mind,” said Representative Tom Reed, a freshman Republican from upstate New York. “Like many of my colleagues in the freshman class, I came down here to get our fiscal house in order and take care of the threat to national security that we see in the federal debt. We came here not to have long careers. We came here to do something. We don’t care about re-election.”

I devoutly hope the people that voted for this guy remember this if he and his colleagues are successful in blocking a raise in the ceiling when their credit card rates rise, their new car loan rate rises, their new mortgage rate rises, and their teenager’s student loan rate rises.

The thing that scares me the most about these people is that they seem to actively disbelieve experts in all fields, be it finance or climate change. What happens to the country if the people who understand and explain consequences are ignored by a huge swath of the population?


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