Waiting for the electrician . . .

Well, technically, for the appliance guy(s) to come install a new microwave into the hole we currently have in our wall.

Originally the thought was that, due to the custom fit required, repairing the old microwave oven was the only option. But we got to thinking that repairing a nine-year-old machine might not be the best idea, and the appliance guy agreed. He looked around for a new machine (as did we) which would fit in the space (and be black, to match all the other appliances in the kitchen), and he found one. It might be a few dollars more for the new one than repairing the old one, but hey, warranty.

So here I am, waiting and hoping I’ll have a working microwave this evening.


  1. Yes it is. We now have a (new) working microwave. Except that, while it just came out of its box, its got a plate inside with a manufacture date of 2007.

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