Drill & farm & mine, baby!

The Right’s Environmental Wish List:

  1. Drill on the Continental Shelf
  2. Open ANWR
  3. Sell more oil and gas leases in the West
  4. Set a 9-month deadline for environmental review of federal regulation. If that deadline’s not met, too bad, baby. No regulations for you!
  5. Prohibit the EPA from classifying carbon dioxide or methane from agriculture as a pollutant. Oh, and don’t allow states to regulate greenhouse gas emissions
  6. State governors’ emergency declarations override federal Endangered Species Act regulations (if farmers need water, let endangered fish die)
  7. Federal water rules can’t stop mountaintop removals
  8. Give back the oil and gas leases in Utah, sales of which were rescinded by the Obama Administration
  9. Let farmers’ need for water in California override any pesky fish needs
  10. Build a Canada-US oil pipeline (presumably from Alberta where all that shale oil and gas are being mined)
  11. Let Shell Oil drill in the Beaufort Sea in Alaska
  12. Ignore court-ordered compensation to environmental groups who prevail in lawsuits which challenge the government’s environmental stewardship if the groups’ victory prevents any economic activity at that location

Man, they’re letting it all hang out, aren’t they? They’re pandering to every extraction and agricultural company they can think of in this list.