“You don’t need no stinkin’ nutrition”

“Elections have consequences” is a mantra we’ve heard ever since Bush’s lawyers convinced the Supreme Court that he should be awarded the Presidency back in 2000, but who among us expected the 2010 elections to result in things like this?

The Republicans have used an agriculture appropriations bill to send several messages: They don’t want the government to require school meals that are more nutritional but also more expensive, they don’t want the government to prod food companies to restrain marketing to children, and they don’t want the Food and Drug Administration to regulate any substance based on anything but “hard science.”


On Tuesday, the GOP majority on the House Appropriations Committee approved a 2012 spending plan that directs the Agriculture Department to ditch the first new nutritional standards in 15 years proposed for school breakfasts and lunches. The lawmakers say meals containing more fruits and vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy will cost an additional $7 billion over five years — money they say the country can ill afford in difficult economic times.

The committee also directed the USDA to scale back participation in an effort to develop voluntary guidelines for companies that market food to children. And it directed the FDA to exempt grocery and convenience stores and other businesses from regulations set to take effect next year requiring that calorie information be displayed.

I knew Big Ag was powerful, but who knew the 7-11 lobby had such sway on Congress?

Die of obesity, America! We’re right there with you, us and our fat cat friends!

via Balloon Juice