Statesmen? Ha!

Once upon a time the Republican Party sent people to Washington who really believed the country was more important than the party.

Not any more.

“If you took half the states out of the individual mandate requirement, this bill falls, requiring us to draft something new, and quite frankly that is the goal,” said Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) at a press conference Tuesday afternoon. “To find a way to get the Congress to redo this bill…. We want this bill to come to an end.”

Senator, you had a shot at amending the bill throughout 2007. You and the rest of your party refused to even take part in the discussions about the legislation. So don’t kid me that you want to “redo” the bill.

Your party really doesn’t give a rip about the ~50 million uninsured Americans or those who are insured but who have their coverage dropped for spurious reasons the moment a claim is filed. You just don’t care.


  1. 2007? They had a shot at doing something better since 1995. And all that while they said, “Nope, the status quo is fine.” NOW they have ideas?

  2. But they will keep their own medical plans while telling the rest of the country to go take a leap. Nice going there, GOP!

  3. After 45 years of political activism, I never thought I’d see a political party whose big ambition was to tear everything down, but what do I know?

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